To monitor progress toward the eight MDG, the UN has divided all countries into ten regional groupings, shown in the map below. The list of countries within each region is available on the official UN site for the MDG indicators. The abbreviations in the map's legend stand for these regions:
- Developed countries (DEV)
- Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
- Eastern Asia (EA)
- South-eastern Asia (SEA)
- Oceania (OCE)
- Southern Asia (SA)
- Western Asia (WA)
- Northern Africa (NA)
- Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
- Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

Source: UN Statistics Division web site, August 2006
Future posts on global education statistics will refer to the MDG regions for regionally disaggregated data. In previous posts, for example on primary school enrollment, global education statistics were presented with the regional groupings used by UNICEF. UNICEF divides all countries into eight regions, shown in the following map. The countries within each region are listed on the UNICEF web site.
UNICEF regions

Source: UNICEF web site, August 2006
The abbreviations stand for these regions:
- Industrialized countries (IND)
- Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS)
- East Asia and the Pacific (EAP)
- South Asia (SA)
- Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
- Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA)
- West and Central Africa (WCA)
- Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
Related articles
- Education for All regions
- UN Millennium Development Goals Report 2008
- UN Millennium Development Goals Report 2007
Friedrich Huebler, 20 August 2006 (edited 26 March 2011), Creative Commons License.
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